Search engine optimization (SEO) by Techy Naz

Rush of visitors with
optimal SEO strategy.

Get to the pole position on Google.
More website visitors. Permanently.

To ensure that your website automatically generates customer inquiries and applications via Google, we ensure first-class visitor numbers through the best possible SEO support for your company.

Your professional SEO agency for top rankings on Google

Your visitor numbers will explode

5 years & 12 experts

To ensure that your website achieves a top ranking on Google , our experts with years of experience develop and implement your SEO strategy.

Reliable & Precise

You can rely on us: We will develop the best possible SEO strategy for your ambitious goals . Fast and professional implementation guaranteed.

Measurable successes

We analyze over 200 ranking factors to continually increase your visibility on Google . This will help you consolidate your dominant market position.

Selected customers with strong SEO successes

Become part of our network of successful entrepreneurs with top Google rankings.

Get fast results with superior SEO tools

Outstanding rankings thanks to advanced SEO methods

Complete SEO support

The performance of your website and therefore your success is largely determined by your placement in the search results (SERP). Your position on Google depends on many factors. Our experts take all relevant factors into account . Both on-page , i.e. on your website, and off-page , i.e. beyond your website. This comprehensive SEO support is your guarantee for sustained, first-class Google results for your company.

Attractive SEO packages

You can choose from various SEO packages, the scope of which is aimed at ambitious companies of different sizes . It can be relevant for your success to have a strong local and regional presence . However, a strong national presence may also be useful for you. Depending on the competitive situation, you can see quick success with our SEO packages, which are precisely tailored to your company.

Precise SEO measures

Your SEO success manifests itself in excellent ranking positions for very specific search terms (keywords). To achieve this, we plan and implement a variety of measures that are precisely tailored to your goals and competitive situation . We know the relevant ranking factors , which can vary greatly depending on requirements and industry. We select the right SEO measures for your success in a structured and targeted manner.

For permanent Google dominance with a proven SEO process

You can achieve sustainable success in four precise steps

Initial SEO consultation

We will assess whether your company is suitable for cooperation in a free initial consultation. Your goals play a central role. We won’t start a project without ambitious goals.

Continuous optimization

We continually increase your success through regular monitoring , evaluation and optimization of SEO performance. This is how you sustainably consolidate your company’s digital dominance in the market.

SEO analysis

After the SEO check , including keyword research and competitive analysis, we identify relevant SEO measures and effort. You will receive an SEO package from us, precisely tailored to your objectives.

SEO measures

You commission us. Our experts implement the developed catalogue of measures quickly and in a structured manner. Your first successes will quickly become visible . Your ranking will be consolidated in the long term .

Secure your competitive advantage

Secret ingredient: marketing psychology

Stay ahead of the competition for the long term. Through the consistent use of marketing psychology methods, we take your online marketing to the next level. When it comes to the optimal layout concept, creating exclusive sales texts and selecting the best possible images: for your success, we rely on the latest findings in marketing psychology. Optimized for your target group.

Achieve ambitious goals - with effective search engine optimization

Customers and applicants find you first - before your competitors

You will no longer be in pole position in the future if customers and applicants cannot find your website on Google. Leave beautiful but unsuccessful websites to your competitors. Stay in the lead for the long term with a search engine optimized and high-performance website.

Invisible website without search engine optimization

Powerful website with optimized content for Google & visitors

This is what our successful customers about Us

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